Our new Village Car Park

Your Parish Council’s Commitment
As part of the agreement reached between Victory Housing and Knapton Parish Council for the Wilds Way housing development, Victory Housing kindly agreed to replace the old car park with a new lockable one.

Completed to a high standard, the car park was officially handed over to the Parish Council by Land Registry on 5th April 2022, which was signed on behalf of the council by the Chair Peter Neatherway and Vice-Chair Patrick Lee.

The Parish Council has installed two signs, located at the entrance and the rear of the car park, which are both highly visible and make the terms of its use very clear.  It monitors and manages it’s usage to enforce compliance with the Terms of Use if and when necessary to ensure it’s continual availability for the short-term parking of vehicles by visitors to Knapton and users of the Village Hall and welcome any assistance from local residents in this regard.

Whilst able to be locked at any time without notice and at the sole discretion of the Parish Council, it is hoped that the car park will remain free and permanently open for its intended users.

For visitors to our village and users of the Village Hall

It’s sited in Hall Lane with vehicular and pedestrian access via School Close.
There is also safe pedestrian access almost opposite the Village Hall in Hall Lane.

  • safe pathway all round
  • nine car park spaces
  • one disabled space
  • four bicycle racks

Overnight Parking
One of the agreed Terms of Use is that vehicles should only be allowed to park in the short term car park overnight if they apply for an Overnight Parking Permit (OPP) and display it in the window of the vehicle whilst it is parked.
Since an OPP can only be obtained by applying to the Parish Clerk, it ensures that they have the necessary permission from the Parish Council to park there, for the nights displayed on the permit.

For more details about the permit and how to get one, please scroll down

Penalty for non-compliance
Owners of vehicles parked overnight in the car park that do not have an OPP may find that;

  • their vehicle is towed away by an authorised contractor
  • their vehicle is stored in a secure compound by that contractor
  • all costs to recover the vehicle will be entirely the responsibility of the vehicle owner
  • the vehicle will not be released until those costs are paid in full to the contractor
Overnight Parking Permit  –  OPP

Anyone wishing to park their vehicle overnight in the car park needs permission from the Parish Council to do so, in the form of an Overnight Parking Permit (OPP).   The Parish Council will take a sympathetic view of all genuine requests for an OPP and will normally respond to requests within 3 hours.
There are two ways to apply for an Overnight Parking Permit;

  • Use our Contact Form to request an OPP.
    Complete the Contact Form, selecting Overnight Parking Permit from the drop down subject list
  • Contact the Parish Clerk direct, whose contact details are here

The OPP will need to be collected prior to the vehicle being left overnight because it needs to be displayed in the front window of the vehicle whilst it is parked in the car park overnight.

What if I don’t bother with a permit

you may get away with it…

but on the other hand…

you may not…

and if you get caught…

failure to display an OPP in the front window of a vehicle parked in the car park overnight may result in major inconvenience and a very large bill for the owner because the vehicle may be towed away, as outlined above.


you can gamble…

or you can work with us, not against us…

and do the right thing…