Email Disclaimer

You reached this page by clicking on the email disclaimer link at the end of an email sent by Knapton Parish Council.
Please note that all emails may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.

Intended Recipient
The email you have received (including all attachments) is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed.   It is private and may contain confidential material or be the subject of legal and/or professional privilege.

If you are not the intended recipient any disclosure, copying or distribution of the email (including all attachments) or any action or omission taken by you in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.

Notify Us
If you are not the intended recipient and have received this message in error please accept our apologies and notify us by forwarding it to our Parish Clerk at , and then delete the email (including all attachments) from your device(s).

Councillor emails are sent in an individual capacity and the content may contain personal opinions.   Any such views or opinions expressed in this email are solely those of the author and they may not reflect the views of, or be endorsed by, Knapton Parish Council.   Nothing in this email message amounts to a contractual or other legal commitment on the part of Knapton Parish Council unless confirmed by a communication signed by an officer on behalf of the Council.

Contact Us

It’s easy to have your say
Clicking the button below will take you to our Contact Form where you can raise a concern or share a thought.

Selecting your chosen subject from the drop down list (or choosing “Something Else” if there’s no better choice) ensures that your comment can be passed to the right person quickly and we will usually respond within 24hrs.

You’ll also find our Parish Clerk‘s contact details here.

Please note that this e-mail has been created in the knowledge that Internet e-mail is not a 100% secure communications media and we ask that you observe this lack of security when e-mailing us.

Knapton Parish Council has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that this e-mail and its attachments are free from any virus and will therefore not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from viruses transmitted via this e-mail.   In keeping with good computing practice, the recipient should check the email for threats using appropriate software to ensure they are actually virus free.

Personal Data
By giving your contact details to Knapton Parish Council you agree that the council can contact you again in the future and that your details can be stored in line with the council’s Data Protection principles and may be shared with service partners to enable service delivery.

You can view our GDPR Data Protection Policy here.


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