Road Safety Blog & Timeline2022-03-22T21:59:32+00:00

Road Safety Blog

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This blog covers all four of the Parish Council’s current road safety initiatives;

  1. SAM2 speed awareness camera
  2. 30mph speed limit extension on Hall Lane
  3. Re-modelling of the junction at Hall Lane, The Street & Knapton Road
  4. Reduction of speed limit to 30mph on Pond Lane
  • Blog entries are shown in chronological order
  • Each entry may relate to one or more initiatives
  • You can click on the month to show/hide the entry

Community SpeedWatch

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  • select Community SpeedWatch Blog from the Subject list
Road Safety Blog & Timeline

May 2022

30th May | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

The 30mph speed limit extension in Hall Lane from MADRA to the Butterfly Car Park is now […]

March 2022

17th March | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

Update from Highways
TRO processed, advertising notices onsite until 12th April.  If no objections, order can be sealed and signs […]

September 2021

14th September | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

Update from Highways
The statutory consultation is complete, next step is to instruct NPLaw enclosing documents.

October 2020

30th October | SAM2 Camera

SAM2 Camera installed
The SAM2 was installed at the MADRA location.

13th October | SAM2 Camera

Site Posts installed
Posts were installed in the five locations as identified by the Parish Council Road […]

September 2020

21st September | SAM2 Camera

Westcotec Planning Dept
Westcotec requested a site location plan of where the posts are too be installed.   We responded accordingly.

11th September | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

Queries from Highways
Received queries from Highways regarding gates and locations.
The Road safety committee considered and responded to Highways satisfaction. […]

August 2020

4th August 2020 | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

Highways Site Location Plan
Today we received the Site Location Plan from the Highways […]

July 2020

14th July 2020 | Junction & 30mph Extension

Highways Status Confirmation
Confirmation by the Highways Department that both of our road Safety […]

June 2020

23rd June 2020 | SAM2 camera

SAM2 Camera ordered
The Parish Council has officially ordered the SAM2 speed awareness camera.
Delivery and installation is expected to be […]

March 2020

14th March 2020n | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

Necessary funds confirmed.
The Chairman advised the Parish Councillors that all necessary funds have now been confirmed […]

6th March 2020 | All 3 Road Safety initiatives

Our MP, Duncan Baker, offers his support
Today, Duncan Baker MP […]

3rd March 2020 | Junction

Victory Housing contribution to Road Safety initiatives
Today we received confirmation via email that Flagship, owners of Victory Housing, have agreed to pay […]

February 2020

28th February 2020 | All 3 Road Safety initiatives

Fetè Committee contribution
Today, the Knapton Fete Committee confirmed that they will make £7,000 available […]

4th February 2020 | The Street HGV

Initiative Postponed
At the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 4th Feb, it was agreed to postpone taking any action to monitor […]

November 2019

20th November 2019 | SAM2 Camera

Highways confirmed acceptance of 5 sites for SAM2 camera
Highways have confirmed their acceptance of the five sites […]

October 2019

22nd October 2019 | 30mph Extension & Junction

Highways emailed response to site visit
Steve White arranged for a […]

8th October 2019 | All 3 Road Safety initiatives

Committee meeting with Police & Highways
The committee met with PC Paul Gwynn, our local […]

7th October 2019 | 30mph Extension in Hall Lane

A resident’s concerns about speeding in Hall Lane
We received this email today from a […]

2nd October 2019 | All 3 Road Safety initiatives

Road Safety Committee site meeting with Police & Highways
The Knapton Parish Council Road Safety Committee is meeting with […]

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